Thursday 28 April 2011

What have I learn in Electronic Advertising...

Actually I'm Communication student.
But Electronic Advertising course provided me a chance to learn some marketing knowledge.
And I wanna thanks to my lecturer because she "force" us to combine with the marketing student into a group.
In our group assignment, marketing student and communication student have done very well.
They expert in marketing and have used their knowledge in our assignment such as the theory, principle and so on.
However, communication student also play their role to made a nice video advertisement, poster, T-shirt design and others.
Combine these two elements then only can have our perfect completely assignment.
In the last class, lecturer also teach some of the skills for answer final exam questions, some "trick"....
I'm very appreciate that.
Lastly, I wanna thanks officially to my group member that have done well and also lecturer that train us through this assignment.


Wednesday 27 April 2011

Lesson learn in Electronic Advertising course

Basically I'm a Communication student but in this class I've learn a lot about the marketing plan in class such as influences of consumers behavior in advertising. I'm able to categories well which consumers with different needs now and what type of advertisements are suitable for the public after attending this class as well. For the group assignment, I'm glad that my group consist mixture of Communication and Marketing members. It's my first time having a group assignment with Marketing students so we've learn a lot from each other. Besides, I'm in semester 6 now (last sem) and this group presentation is my last present in UUM. I really happy that we have a good teamwork in my group although they're juniors.

By: Chan Wai Kee (128556)

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Creative pyramid

  1. Attention  - The purpose of using the word "Savers Sale" at the top column with large font is to draw the public's attention and make them keep on reading this advertisement.
  2. Interest  -  The phrase "2nd Set 60% Off" is used to grab the audience interest about the price of the product. People will feel curious how much the product will be given discount.
  3. Credibility  -  There stated the price "From RM64.50" can persuade people to believe that the product is really cheap after they compare the price of the same product before given any discount.
  4. Desire  -  The low price stated in the advertisement makes people feel like craving to buy.
  5. Action  -  In this advertisement, it indicates the location so that public can go to any stores nearby to puchase the product. At the top of the advertisement also publish the date objectively is to tells the public to visit their outlets and stores during that period.

Monday 21 March 2011

My Mobile Phone ( Nokia N73)

My mobile phone is very important to me no matter where I go. Even when having meal time or doing what ever work, I will make sure my mobile phone always stay with me. The very first reason why it's so important because by call and SMS are the only way for me to keep in touch with my girlfriend as her hometown is far from my hometown. So we could only contact each other by spending most of the time sending SMS. We can SMS from morning till late midnight, averagely 400 SMS per day. Also there're no internet connection in my house which makes me more rely on my mobile phone to keep in touch with my friends. Second reason is because of its camera function. My mobile phone has a built in camera with 3 mega pixel. Although only 3 mega pixel, it's already enough for me. Think of it, it has been following me since I bought it during my Form 6 Upper. Almost 4 years I've been using it. Third reason make this mobile so important to me is because it has the MP3 player function in it. I like music very much and whenever I'm in long journey travel or I've free time, I'll pick up my mobile phone and listen to music. That's why my mobile phone is a "Music Edition" where it has batter audio systems compare to normal N73. Honestly speaking, I love it's audio very much because it's loud and clear enough, and it supported strong-bass songs too!!!

By: Chan Wai Kee (128556)

Sunday 20 March 2011


Inilah kipas yang saya gunakan setiap hari dalam bilik.
Fungsi kipas ini bukan sahaja membantu pada cuaca yang panas tetapi juga memainkan peranan "laptop cooler"...
Sejak saya memiliki laptop, cooler sentiasa rosak. Oleh demikian, saya menggunakan kipas ini sebagai cooler.
Kesannya jauh lebih baik dari cooler laptop.
Selain itu, saya juga amat tidak suka cuaca panas, terutamanya pada malam, masa yang hendak tidur.
Jika saya berasa panas, saya tidak dapat tidur dengan nyenyak...
Khususnya cuaca di UUM juga sentiasa bercuaca panas, dan kipas dalam bilik yang disediakan juga tidak cukup.
Nasib baik terdapat kipas ini, ia membolehkan saya menempuh kesukaran kehidupan di UUM.
Akhirnya, ia menjadi satu benda yang amat penting kepada saya dan saya tidak boleh membayangkan kehidupan saya tanpa ia.

Loo Yeou Yaw 128519